
class qlat.FieldBase



as_field(self[, ctype])

return new Field(ctype) with the same content

cast_from(self, FieldBase other)

other can be Field but of different type field geo does not change if already initialized.


double_from_float(self, FieldRealF ff)

self can be any FieldBase subtype but need to be actually contains double precision numbers

float_from_double(self, FieldBase f)

self needs to be FieldRealF

from_field(self, f)

assign from f with the same content but possibly different type

get_data_sig(self, RngState rng)

get a signature of the real_d or complex_d field

get_elem(self, idx[, m])

get_elems(self, idx)

load_64(self, path, *args, **kwargs)

Generic load for 64-bit size element Field object load 64-bit Field (do conversion of endianness)

load_direct(self, path, *args, **kwargs)

Generic load for Field object load Field directly (without any conversion of endianness or precision) Field geo and multiplicity will be determined during loading possible way to call: f.load_direct(path) f.load_direct(sfr, fn)

load_double(self, path, *args, **kwargs)

Generic load for double Field object load double Field (do conversion of endianness)

load_double_from_float(self, path, *args, ...)

Generic load for double Field object load double Field from float(do conversion of endianness or precision)


save_64(self, path, *args, **kwargs)

Generic save for 64-bit size element Field object save 64-bit Field (do conversion of endianness)

save_direct(self, path, *args, **kwargs)

Generic save for Field object save Field directly (without any conversion of endianness or precision) possible way to call: f.save_direct(path) f.save_direct(sfw, fn)

save_double(self, path, *args, **kwargs)

Generic save for double element Field object save double Field as double (do conversion of endianness)

save_float_from_double(self, path, *args, ...)

Generic save for double element Field object save double Field as float (do conversion of endianness and precision)

set_elem(self, idx, m, val)

val should be np.ndarray.

set_elems(self, idx, val)

val should be np.ndarray.

set_rand(self, RngState rng[, upper, lower])

set_rand_g(self, rng[, center, sigma])

set_unit(self[, coef])

to_from_endianness(self, tag)

Convert between the native endianness and the endianness specified by tag tag can be "big_32", "big_64", "little_32", "little_64"


