Environment variables

  • q_end_time

    Program finish time in seconds since epoch.

    Used when check_time_limit(). Possible setting can be: export q_end_time="$(($(date +%s) + 12 * 60 * 60))" for jobs run for at most 12 hours.

    Default is empty.


    Total running time of program in seconds.

    Used when check_time_limit(), but will be override if q_end_time is set.

    Default is 43200.

  • q_time_budget

    Default budget time in seconds. Possible setting can be export q_budget=$((1 * 60 * 60))

    Used when check_time_limit().

    Default is 900.

  • q_field_init

    Control how field objects’ data are initialized.

    Choices are fast (default), zero, random.

  • q_mem_cache_max_size

    Memory cache size in MB (per processes) for qlat::vector allocation.

    Default is 512 MB.

  • q_mem_cache_acc_max_size

    Memory cache size in MB (per processes) for qlat::vector_acc allocation.

    Default is the same as q_mem_cache_max_size.

  • q_alloc_mem_max_size

    Maximum allocated memory size in MB (per processes) for combined qlat::vector and qlat::vector_acc allocation. Cache size will be reduced when this limit is reached.

    Default is 256 * 1024 MB.

  • q_num_threads

    Number of OpenMP threads (will be override by OMP_NUM_THREADS). Possible setting can be export OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 number should be adjusted by number of cores.

    Default is 2.

  • q_acc_num_threads

    Number of qacc threads.

    Default is 32.

  • q_verbose

    Level of verbosity. Need to be more than 0 for the timing info to be shown automatically. Possible setting can be: export q_verbose=2

    Default is -1.

  • q_timer_mini_auto_display

    Minimum time between auto-display of timer information summary.

    Default is 5.0 * 60.0.

  • q_timer_mini_auto_show

    Minimum run time for a function for its information to be shown when it start or stop.

    Default is 1.0.

  • q_timer_max_always_show

    Maximum number of times to always show function start or stop.

    Default is 10.

  • q_timer_max_func_name_len

    Maximum length for a function name before truncation.

    Default is 50.

  • q_malloc_mmap_threshold

    In unit of bytes.

    Default is empty. It does not alter the system setting. Possible setting can be export q_malloc_mmap_threshold=8192.

  • q_mk_id_node_in_shuffle_seed

    Seed for initializing id_node_in_shuffle.

    Default is 4. If start with "seed_", then will be random initialization. Otherwise will be viewed as an int and used as step_size.

  • q_qar_multi_vol_max_size

    Maximum size of a qar file in bytes. If the total size of the folder is larger, a multi-volume qar file will be created.

    Default is 500L * 1000L * 1000L * 1000L (500 GB). If q_qar_multi_vol_max_size is negative, the size is unlimited.

    Note, qar never splits a single file into multiple qar volume. The limit may be exceeded due to the header size or a single file being too large.

Useful options

  • OMP_STACKSIZE=8M OpenMP option for setting per thread stack size.

  • --debug-signals Grid option for intercept some errors.