Source code for qlat_utils.utils_io

import os
import pickle
import hashlib
import functools

from .c import *

def qmkdirs(path):
    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)

def qmkdirs_info(path):
    if get_id_node() == 0:
        displayln(f"qmkdirs_info: '{path}'.")

def mk_dirs(path):
    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)

def mk_dirs_info(path):
    if get_id_node() == 0:
        displayln(f"mk_dirs_info: '{path}'.")

def mk_file_dirs(fn):
    path = os.path.dirname(fn)
    if path != "":
        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)

def mk_file_dirs_info(path):
    if get_id_node() == 0:
        displayln(f"mk_file_dirs_info: '{path}'.")

[docs] @timer def save_pickle_obj(obj, path, *, is_sync_node=True): """ only save from node 0 when is_sync_node mk_file_dirs_info(path) """ if not is_sync_node or get_id_node() == 0: qtouch(path, pickle.dumps(obj))
[docs] @timer def load_pickle_obj(path, default_value=None, *, is_sync_node=True): """ all the nodes read the same data if is_sync_node: one node read and broadcast to other nodes else: all nodes individually read the data """ if is_sync_node: b = does_file_exist_qar_sync_node(path) else: b = does_file_exist_qar(path) if b: if is_sync_node: obj = pickle.loads(qcat_bytes_sync_node(path)) else: obj = pickle.loads(qcat_bytes(path)) return obj else: return default_value
[docs] @timer def pickle_cache_call(func, path, *, is_sync_node=True): """ all the nodes compute or load the same data """ if is_sync_node: b = does_file_exist_qar_sync_node(path) else: b = does_file_exist_qar(path) if not b: obj = func() save_pickle_obj(obj, path, is_sync_node=is_sync_node) else: obj = load_pickle_obj(path, is_sync_node=is_sync_node) return obj
def hash_sha256(s): """ compute sha256 of str (or bytes) `s`. """ m = hashlib.sha256() if isinstance(s, str): s = s.encode('utf8') m.update(s) return m.hexdigest() def pickle_cache(path, is_sync_node=True): """ `path` is the directory to cache results sha256 hash based on pickle.dumps of the input parameters """ def dec(func): @functools.wraps(func) def f(*args, **kwargs): func_args = (func.__name__, args, kwargs) func_args_str = pickle.dumps(func_args) key = hash_sha256(func_args_str) fn = f"{path}/{key}.pickle" c_res = load_pickle_obj(fn, is_sync_node=is_sync_node) if c_res is not None: c_func_args, c_ret = c_res return c_ret ret = func(*args, **kwargs) res = (func_args, ret,) save_pickle_obj(res, fn, is_sync_node=is_sync_node) return ret return f return dec class SetDisplayMethod: def __init__(self): set_display_method("py_stdout") # displayln_info(0, f"set_display_method('py_stdout')") def __del__(self): displayln_info(0, f"set_display_method()") set_display_method() ###