Source code for qlat_utils.qplot

__all__ = [
        'show_datatable', 'read_datatable',
        'save_datatable', 'load_datatable',
        'plot_save', 'plot_view',

import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import shutil
import tempfile
import subprocess

from qlat_utils.timer import *

def mk_file_dirs(fn):
    path = os.path.dirname(fn)
    if path != "":
        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)

def show_number(x):
    if isinstance(x, complex):
        return f"{x.real} {x.imag}i"
    elif isinstance(x, float):
        return f"{x}"
    elif isinstance(x, float):
        return f"{x}"
        return str(x)

def show_vector(vec):
    return " ".join([ show_number(x) for x in vec ])

def show_datatable(arr, *, is_return_list_of_string = False):
    lines = [ show_vector(vec) + "\n" for vec in arr ]
    if is_return_list_of_string:
        return lines
    return "".join(lines)

def touch_file(fn, content = "", *, is_directory_exist = False):
    if not is_directory_exist:
    with open(fn, "w") as f:
        if isinstance(content, str):
            for s in content:

def save_datatable(arr, fn, *, is_directory_exist = False):
    """save_datatable(arr, fn), arr is (numpy) 2-D array, fn is file path name."""
            show_datatable(arr, is_return_list_of_string = True),
            is_directory_exist = is_directory_exist)

def read_number(s):
    if s[-1] == "i":
        return complex(0, float(s[:-1]))
        return float(s)

def read_vector(line):
    ss = line.split()
    fs = [ read_number(s) for s in ss if s != "" ]
    n = len(fs)
    xs = []
    i = 0
    while i < n:
        if i + 1 < n and isinstance(fs[i + 1], complex):
            xs.append(fs[i] + fs[i + 1])
            i += 2
            i += 1
    return xs

def read_datatable(lines):
    # return list of list of numbers (float or complex)
    if isinstance(lines, str):
        return read_datatable(lines.splitlines())
    return [ read_vector(line) for line in lines ]

def load_datatable(fn):
    with open(fn) as f:
        return read_datatable(f)

def azip(vec, *vecs):
    size_list = map(len, vecs)
    size_min = len(vec)
    for size in size_list:
        if size < size_min:
            size_min = size
    return np.array([ np.array(v[:size_min]).transpose() for v in [ vec, ] + list(vecs) ]).transpose()

gnuplot_png_density = 500

def mk_tmp_dir():
    return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix = ".dir", prefix="pyplot.")

def mk_convert_sh():
    return "\n".join([
        "for i in *.mp ; do",
        "rm mpost-job.* 2>&1",
        "TEX=latex mpost -jobname mpost-job $",
        "for i in mpost-job.? ; do",
        "echo \"$i\"",
        "mv \"$i\" \"$fn\"-\"${i#mpost-job.}\".eps",

valid_fn_chars = ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
        + "0123456789"
        + " ,.+-_=;:[]?{}"

def check_fn(fn):
    if isinstance(fn, str):
        for c in fn:
            if c not in valid_fn_chars:
                return False
        return True
    return False

def get_plot_name(fn):
    assert fn[-4:] == ".png"
    assert check_fn(fn)
    name = fn[:-4]
    return name

def mk_makefile(fn = None):
    # fn is the target file name, e.g. plot.pdf or plot.png
    if fn is not None:
        name = get_plot_name(fn)
        target = "install"
        name = "plot-0"
        target = "png"
    return "\n".join([
        f"all: {target}",
        "\tgnuplot plotfile",
        "mpost: gnuplot",
        "\tbash ./",
        "pdf: mpost",
        "\tepstopdf plot-0.eps",
        f"\tmv plot-0.pdf tmp ; mv tmp '{name}.pdf'",
        "png: pdf",
        f"\tpdftoppm -r {gnuplot_png_density} -png '{name}.pdf' > plot-0.png",
        f"\tmv plot-0.png tmp ; mv tmp '{name}.png'",
        "install-pdf: pdf",
        f"\tmv '{name}.pdf' ../'{name}.pdf'",
        "install-png: png",
        f"\tmv '{name}.png' ../'{name}.png'",
        "install: install-png install-pdf",

def mk_plotfile(plot_cmds, plot_lines):
    plot_prefix = [
            "set term mp color latex prologues 3 amstex",
            "set output ''",
    plot = plot_lines[0] + " \\\n    " + ", \\\n    ".join(plot_lines[1:])
    return "\n".join(plot_prefix + [ "", ] + plot_cmds + [ "", plot, "", ])

def populate_pyplot_folder(
        fn = None,
        dict_datatable = None,
        plot_cmds = None,
        plot_lines = None,
    if dict_datatable is None:
        dict_datatable = {}
    if plot_cmds is None:
        plot_cmds = []
    if plot_lines is not None:
        touch_file(os.path.join(path, "plotfile"),
                mk_plotfile(plot_cmds, plot_lines))
    touch_file(os.path.join(path, ""), mk_convert_sh())
    touch_file(os.path.join(path, "Makefile"), mk_makefile(fn))
    for key, dt in dict_datatable.items():
        assert key[-4:] == ".txt"
        assert check_fn(key)
        save_datatable(dt, os.path.join(path, key))

def qremove_all(path):
    return shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors = True)

def mk_pyplot_folder(path = None):
    if path is None:
        path = mk_tmp_dir()
        assert isinstance(path, str)
        assert path.endswith(".pyplot.dir")
    return path

def display_img(fn, *, width = None):
    from IPython.display import HTML, Image, display
    displayln_info(0, f"display_img: fn='{fn}'")
    show_width = ""
    if width is not None:
        show_width = f"width='{width}'"
      import google.colab
      is_in_colab = True
      is_in_colab = False
    is_fn_showable = True
    if fn.startswith('/'):
        is_fn_showable = False
    is_using_html = is_fn_showable and not is_in_colab
    if is_using_html:
        display(HTML(data = f"<img src='{fn}' {show_width} />"))
        display(Image(filename = fn, width = width))

plot_save_display_width = None

[docs] @timer def plot_save( fn = None, dts = None, cmds = None, lines = None, *, is_run_make = True, is_display = False, is_verbose = False, display_width = None, ): """ fn is full name of the plot or None dts is dict_datatable, e.g. { "table.txt" : [ [ 0, 1, ], [ 1, 2, ], ], } cmds is plot_cmds, e.g. [ "set key rm", "set size 1.0, 1.0 ", ] lines is plot_lines, e.g. [ "plot", "x", ] """ target = fn target_fn = None path = None if target is not None: target_fn = os.path.basename(target) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(target), get_plot_name(target_fn) + ".pyplot.dir") path = mk_pyplot_folder(path) if cmds is None: cmds = [ "set size 0.8, 1.0", "set key tm", "set xlabel '$x$'", "set ylabel '$y$'", ] displayln_info(f"cmds={cmds}") if dts is None: x = np.arange(31) * (6 / 30) - 3 y = np.cos(x) yerr = 0.1 / (1 + x**2) dts = { "table.txt" : azip(x, y, yerr), } displayln_info(f"dts={dts}") if lines is None: lines = [ "plot [-3:3] [-1.5:1.5]", "0 not", "sin(x) w l t '$y = \\sin(x)$'", ] if "table.txt" in dts: lines.append("'table.txt' w yerrorb t '$y = \\cos(x)$'") displayln_info(f"lines={lines}") elif lines is None: lines = [ "plot [:] [:]", ] for key, val in dts.items(): if len(val[0]) >= 3: lines.append(f"'{key}' u 1:2:3 w yerrorb t '{key}'") elif len(val[0]) == 2: lines.append(f"'{key}' u 1:2 w p t '{key}'") else: lines.append(f"'{key}' t '{key}'") displayln_info(f"lines={lines}") if fn is None: displayln_info(f"fn={fn}") displayln_info(f"is_run_make={is_run_make}") displayln_info(f"is_display={is_display}") if display_width is None: display_width = plot_save_display_width displayln_info(0, f"display_width={display_width}") populate_pyplot_folder( path, fn = target_fn, dict_datatable = dts, plot_cmds = cmds, plot_lines = lines, ) if is_run_make: @timer def qplot_run_make(): status =[ "make", "-C", path, ], capture_output = True, text = True) if is_verbose or status.returncode != 0: displayln_info("stdout:") displayln_info(status.stdout) displayln_info("stderr:") displayln_info(status.stderr) assert status.returncode == 0 qplot_run_make() if target is None: path_img = os.path.join(path, "plot-0.png") else: path_img = target if is_display: display_img(path_img, width = display_width) else: displayln_info(0, f"plot_save: plot created at '{path_img}'.") return path_img else: assert not is_display # return directory that contain the sources instead of the png path displayln_info(0, f"plot_save: creating data for plot at '{path}'.") return path
[docs] def plot_view( fn = None, dts = None, cmds = None, lines = None, *, is_verbose = False, display_width = None, ): return plot_save( fn = fn, dts = dts, cmds = cmds, lines = lines, is_run_make = True, is_verbose = is_verbose, is_display = True, display_width = display_width, )